Advanced Labor Economics

This course is an upper-level elective for undergraduate students who have taken econometrics. It is really an applied econometrics class with labor economics topics as a loosely organizing theme. Students learn about and implement the core methods for causal inference in applied microeconomics, including diff-in-diff, instrumental variables, and regression discontinuity. To make the content available to both in-person and remote students in the 2020–21 academic year, while retaining as much as possible the live element of traditional blackboard instruction, I created slides and annotated them during class on an iPad. Below, I link to both the blank slides and the finished versions with notes. Others are welcome to use any of the resources on this page.


TeX files and figures for all assignments and slides


Problem set 1 — assignment

Empirical paper 1 — assignment, data

Problem set 2 — assignment, data

Empirical paper 2 — assignment

Problem set 3 — assignment, data

Empirical paper 3 — assignment


Potential outcomes — blank slides, with notes

Regression and fixed effects — blank slides, with notes

Standard errors, weights, and binary dependent variables — blank slides, with notes

Differences in differences — blank slides, with notes

Instrumental variables — blank slides, with notes

Wage structure — slides

The race between education and technology — blank slides, with notes

Immigration and diff-in-diff with continuous treatment — blank slides, with notes

Synthetic control — blank slides, with notes

Regression discontinuity — blank slides, with notes

Event studies — blank slides, with notes